Budleigh Salterton
The first subordinate clause in a sentence refers to the subject of the sentence. If it refers to the object, or to a possessive, you get a dangling modifier. Here are some examples:
But after lying undiscovered for at least 300 years
workmen accidentally stumbled upon Royston Cave. The Free Dictionary (The cave, not the workmen, lay undiscovered..)
Carried here from Brittany by an ancient river flowing into the Triassic desert about 240 million years ago,
erosion is gradually spilling the stones from Budleigh's cliffs onto the beach below. Budleigh Salterton site (The stones, not erosion, were carried here from Brittany.)
Displayed in 1947 stretched on easels at the Lefebre Gallery in London,
many buyers of the silk head-squares seem even then to have preferred framing to wearing them.Independent March 15 2003 (The squares, not the buyers, were stretched on easels.)
Known as the “jewels of Helen”, Schliemannn had his Greek wife, Sophia,photographed wearing the Troy jewels before smuggling them to Berlin. Guardian August 18, 2005 (The jewels, not Schliemann, were known as the “jewels of Helen”. Try this: Schliemannn had his Greek wife, Sophia, photographed wearing the Troy jewels – known as the “jewels of Helen” – before smuggling them to Berlin.)
Modelled on the street parties of the time, including music and activities,
we are inviting visitors, local schools and CWR veterans to come along and join in the fun! Imperial War Museum press handout (It’s the fun that’s modelled, etc, not us. We are inviting visitors,local schools and CWR veterans to come along and join in the fun – modelled on the street parties of the time, including music and activities.)
Once selected, the jukebox will play one of its 192 CDs. Guardian September 29, 2005 (You select the CD, not the jukebox.)
Rather than feeling inadequate if you’re rarely in the mood,
sex therapist Dr Sandra Pertot explains why for many women a low libido can be perfectly normal. Independent May 31, 2005 (Presumably Dr Sandra Pertot doesn’t feel inadequate. “Sex therapist DrSandra Pertot explains why for many women a low libido can be perfectly normal– there’s no need to feel inadequate if you’re rarely in the mood.”)
Sinuous, immaculate and unfussy, he reserved his subtlest powers for the end of the sublime adagio. (His performance, not he, was sinuous etc.) Times July 20 2006
The maid Anna saved the netsuke for her,
hidden in a mattress. (Anna saved them by hiding them in her mattress – she didn’t hide in the mattress herself.)