aficionado (Very 80s. Nobody could spell it.)
Ah hae me doots!, I must dree my weird, och aye the noo, hoots mon, it’s a braw bricht moonlicht nicht the nicht and other pseudo-Scotticisms (thank heavens it's over)
and in that order
blast from the past
bonce (head)
boo boo, boob (we boobed)
brains of a prawn
cake-hole (mouth)
card-carrying (it was an insult)
cascading (popular 80s 90s? Bit like the trickle-down effect)
colour me (beautiful, over-eager)
control freak
Don’t be such a lazybones! (or slow coach)
eventually (now finally)
going spare
grands projets (and insisting that we build them because they’re iconic and will raise our self-esteem or something)
high camp
I just thought I’d share that with you.
I reckon
I’ll drink to that
in effect (and “effectively”)
It’s all go!
It’s an old Spanish custom.
kick up a fuss
Less of it!
make the running
most notably
particularly (now especially – bleurgh)
play silly buggers
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
raft, slew
road warrior – because now everybody works on the move
See you later, alligator! In a while, crocodile!
snug as a bug in a rug
so far so blah
swingeing cuts (now “brutal”)
That was a (real) killer.
The answer is a lemon.
The exception proves the rule.
think on
threads (clothes)
tools for skills (very 80s – skills were 70s)
weak-willed/strong-willed (All you need is willpower. Now self esteem. Just as imaginary.)
wet, don't be so
what a giveaway!
What’s YOUR problem? (70s)
you mug! (Cameron to Mili Ed)
You silly clot!
More outdated slang here.