Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Overheards IV

Overheard in Stoke Newington

Two identically and conservatively dressed little girls. One to the other: Yup! Our family’s really weird.

Are you sure you’re not a jazz musician?

Nick can’t bear hemp milk.

Passing mother: "You're not going to WORK, you're going to SCHOOL! TRY AND SHOW SOME KIND OF POSITIVITY!!" (Lee Jackson/‏@VictorianLondon)

Another mother: We’re going to sit down and have a picnic and we are going to ENJOY OURSELVES, all right? If you find one more thing to moan about we will go home.

Two girls pushing prams, one to the other: Of course she was embarrassed after beating up her husband in front of my face.

On the 236: She says “You go Amsterdam and you don’t go shops?”

Heard in the wild: "Let's go and have a chattรฉ". (Hamish Thompson/‏@Suburbman )

Overheard at work: "Well, he's Anglican. So like, the Canadian of religious people." (Roz/‏@TheEvilTwinSet )

In a sudden lull in general train conversation, I just heard a woman vehemently proclaiming: "Well, I like antlers!" (@BarnabyEdwards)

"You're prepared to put up with that 'cos you got no self-esteem". "I know that". #overheardinlondon (Andy Horton ‏/@fechtbuch)

I work in a bookshop & overheard someone say "Ooh they've bought a book out of that now", referring to Tess of the d'Urbevilles! (christopher clarke/‏@christheclarke)

Daughter earwigging at OAP exercise class: "I can't lift my leg today as I fell out of a dodgem on Saturday." (@IntervalThinks)

Train guard: We will shortly be arriving at Chorley; don't forget your will to live. (@AllanFish)

"Why don't you go to a folk festival? You'll see loads of people there who look like you, who've managed to find partners." #HeardinHackney (@HeardinLondon)

More here, and links to the rest.

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