They're here, they're everywhere and suddenly they're gone.
Setting a novel in the 60, 70s, 80s? Concerned about historical accuracy? The whole collection is available in ebook form at Amazon.
21st birthday cards featuring keys, 3-D plates hung on the wall
abandoned cars by the roadside (and sofas in woods),
acrilan, Aertex, Afghan hounds, airmail paper and envelopes, Airwick,
address books, alcohol-free wine, alienation, Anne French Cleansing Milk, anthracite
, antimacassars in trains, apple strudel,
art depicting antique automobiles,
atomic warfare
, attempts to make the Web more intuitive by presenting it as a 3D molecule diagram
baby cards featuring storks, babydoll nighties, bacon slicers, banana ice cream
, barber’s poles, barley sugar, basketweave shoes, basset hounds, bath hats
, bathing caps, bay leaves, beaujolais nouveau, beetroot in white sauce, Bemax
, Bejams, biofeedback, biological washing powder, birthstones, biscuit barrels
, black-and-white movies on TV, black felt Spanish bulls, black pudding, bloater paste
, boiled cabbage, bottle gardens, bouillabaisse, bowls full of coloured marble eggs
, Brentford Nylons, bridge rolls, Britvic orange juice, brown lino, brushed nylon
, budgies, bull-fighting posters, butter knives, butterscotch
Cajun music, Californian Poppy scent, candlewick bedspreads, cap guns, carbon paper
, carpet beaters, carphones, CD Roms, champagne breakfasts, charity telethons
, cheesecloth, chest freezers, chicken in the basket, chiffon scarves, chlorophyll chewing gum
, choral speaking, chrysanthemums, cinder paths, Cinzano, Clarnico mints, coal scuttles
, cocktail biscuits, coconut ice, coconut matting, coffee percolators, cold consommé
, collecting cheese labels, beer mats, bus tickets, postcards, car numbers, silver paper
, computer addiction, cooking sherry, cottage loaves, Courtelle, Crimplene
, crystallized fruit, custard tarts, cuticle remover
Dad’s Cookies, Danish pastries, debating societies, deckle-edged paper
, Dentyne gum, disco dancing flowers, dolly birds, dominoes
, draught excluders, dressing tables, dried flowers, drystone walls, dungarees
, Duotan, dymotape, Dynel artificial hair
earth shoes, Edam cheese, eiderdowns, electric blue, elephant jokes
, enamel buckets, Enamelaires, Eno’s Fruit Salts, Enterovioform, ergonomics
, escalopes, Evostik, executive toys
fax paper, fairy movies, fawn (the colour), fear of eye damage from TV/VDU screens
, fettucine, fibre optic lamps, Findus crispy pancakes, fish paste, flag days, Flit guns
, Florentines, flower presses, flyspray, fold-up pushchairs, fortune tellers with crystal balls
, fountain pens, foxtail chains, freshair fiends, fruit flans, fun runs, futons
Gabicci clothes, gabardine raincoats, gala pie, galoshes, garbage disposal units, gas-powered corkscrews
, Garibaldi biscuits, Gentleman’s Relish, ginger biscuits, Girl Fridays, glacé cherries
, Gloy paste, gobstoppers, gold-top milk, gonks, Grape Nuts, grapefruit knives and spoons
, greengage jam, Grimly Feendish, Gripfix, growbags
hairnets, hairpin bends, handkerchief sachets, hard margarine Hawaiian Tropic, herring-bone tweed, Holly Hobbie
, Harmony hairspray,, holograms, hot plates, housecoats, hundreds and thousands, hurdling races
ice cream wafers, indelible pencils, individual fruit pies, individual fruit-cake slices
, Internet addiction, investing in ostrich farms, Irish stew, isometric exercises
, I-Spy books, Izal Medicated Sanitary Paper
Jordan’s Original Crunchy cereal, junket
Kahlua and Tia Maria, Kardomah coffee houses, kinkajous, kipper paté knickerbocker glories, Kunzl cakes
, kleptomania, knitting machines
langues du chat, laundry boxes, lavender water
, leaving the gentlemen to their port, Lent lilies, Letraset
, liver sausage, living in sin, log tables, loony lefties, lucky four-leaf clovers
, lucky mascots, lucky white heather, luncheon vouchers, Lux
macaroons, MacFisheries, macrobiotic diets, magic eye pictures
, male chauvinism, Marie biscuits, Maryland cookies, Mazola corn oil
, meths drinkers, microfiches, milk bottle tops, milk bottles, milk machines
, mint choc ice, monkfish, monocles, Moon Drops, Morton’s pie filling
, Mouli hand-powered food mixers, mountain bikes
, movies “based on a true story” and starring Loni Anderson and Corbin Bernsen (and called
Something Something: The [name of person you’ve never heard of] Story)
, Mr Softee, musak, mustard and cress
, musical birthday cards
navy gym knickers, nested tables, nettle fabric, New Age travellers, New English Bible
, New English Library, New Society, news theatres, NHS glasses, Nice biscuits
, nightdress cases, nougat, Nubuck, nutty slack, nylon sheets
office memos,
olde tyme dancing, omelettes, open relationships, open sandwiches, orange and watercress salad
, organdie, organza, origami, Orlon, osso buco, out of body experiences
, oxtail soup, oxygen bars
packet lemon pie filling, paisley, Pakamacs, Palmolive
, pampas grass, panatellas, Panstik, panty girdles, Panyan pickle, paper carrier bags
, paper dresses, paper knickers, paper furniture, paperchases, paprika, paraffin
, party games, past life regression, Peek Freans, pelmets, Penguin biscuits
, permissive society, pet rocks, petit beurres, petit fours, Petit Suisse, PEZ, phurnacite, Picador and Paladin paperbacks, Pickasticks
, pinball, pixie boots, place mats, plackets, plain boiled potatoes, plain grapefruit as a starter
, plain white rice served as a vegetable, plaster alsatians, plastic rain bonnets, plastic
Tampax holders, platinum blondes,
plastic sofa covers, Poptarts, Port Salut cheese
, postmodernism, potted ferns, pouffes, prawn cocktail crisps,
Prediction magazine
, premarital sex, Pringle sweaters, promiscuity, protractors, puzzle rings
Q-Tan, Quark (the cheese)
ratafias, ratatouille,
Reader's Digest condensed books
, Red Mountain coffee, red-brick universities, reds under the bed
, ric-rac braid, Ritz crackers, rock buns, rollers (for your hair)
, roofracks, Roquefort cheese, rubber-band balls, rubber plants, Russian salad
sachets, sago, salmon mousse, salt spoons, sand shoes, sand tumblers Schloer apple juice, Scotch broth, Scotch pancakes, sealing wax
, sandwich boards, seersucker, semiotics, serving hatches, shaved parmesan, ships in bottles
, shirt-sleeve bands, shoe bags, shopping in bedroom slippers
, shortie nighties, Siamese cats
silver puffa jackets, skate in black butter, slide rules
, Slush Puppies, soap on a rope, smoked cheese, smorgasbord, sodium street lights, soft mattresses, son et lumiere
, sorbet, soup tureens, Space Dust, Spangles,
Spanish fig cake, split ends
, spray-on starch, Spudulike, squarials, St. Ivel cheese
, stainless steel jewellery, stamp hinges, steak tartare, steel wool
, street parties, street theatre, string beans,
string vests, stuffed marrow sundaes, Sunday trading laws, Super Wate-On
, suet puddings, swirly carpets, Swiss cheese plants
tapioca, tarragon, tea trolleys, teasets, Teflon, telephone covers, telethons, terrines
, tealeaf reading, the
initial teaching alphabet
sound of bicycle bells, manual typewriters, many phones ringing
Test Card, thongs, tiddlywinks, tieclips, tiepins, Tiffin bars
, time and motion experts, Time Out’s agitprop section, tinned mandarin segments
, tinned prawns, tinned spaghetti hoops, tinned strawberries, Tizer, toasting forks
, Toby jugs, toilet-roll covers, tomato red, top of the milk, Treasury tags, tuna mould
, Twiglets, typewriter covers, typewriter rubbers, Trebor chews
UHT milk, Unox Luncheon Meat
vegetable dishes with lids, Venetian blinds, Ventaxia, Venus pencils, vests
, vibraphones, vichysoisse, video nasties, Vilene, violet cachous
Wade figurines, Wagon Wheels, waiting an hour after lunch before swimming
, wall hangings, Walnut Whips, washing your hair once a week
, watching TV with the lights out, water polo, wearing a headscarf over curlers
, whitebait, wife swapping, willpower, wintergreen lozenges
, witty graffiti (or were they just arch and whimsical?)
, woks, wrapover overalls, Wright’s Coal Tar soap