Monday 20 April 2020

Fun Lockdown Game


You take the letters from your Scrabble set and spread them all out face down, and each player takes a roughly equal share. No one knows what their letters are.

Then, taking it in turn, the players turn their letters over, one by one, placing them in the playing area where everyone can see them. The sequence of letters is therefore random, eg x, q, m, w etc.

If a player overturns a new letter that could be added to any of the letters already displayed, they call out the word (for example, if Lucy turned over an i, James might call out "Mix", and move the completed word to his area.)

Completed words must have at least 3 letters. New words can be made from the letters displayed as well as from those that James has won. If a player seizes a word from an opponent, they must use all the letters in it in their new word.

Players continue to turn up letters, z, v, e, d... at which point Lucy cries out ,"Mixed", and makes the word for herself, capturing the letters m, i , x from James's store.

The game continues ... b, u, f, n ... at which point Anne-Marie calls out "Unmixed," and seizes the word from Lucy.

The game continues, with people making words from the tiles upturned on the playing area and from words seized from each other. At the end of the game, the number of completed words each player has is added up for their score, as follows: words of 3 letters count 1, 4 letters count 2, 5 letters 3 etc.

Unlike regular Scrabble, you pay no attention to the value of each letter as shown on the tile, eg q = 10 etc.

It is important to guard your completed words from being grabbed by others. Had James cried "Mixed! " before Lucy, he could have saved his original word, and increased its length and score.

Have fun!

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