Thursday, 21 July 2022

Grammar: Oxymorons 2

This year, Black Friday starts on a Wednesday!

She’s the girl with the red blue jeans.

Douglas Emhoff will be the nation's first second gentleman.

Peter Tatchell says we should have “religious civil partnerships”. (Times, 2011) 

There’s a Little Grand Canyon in Georgia.

Longer shortlists help reduce gender bias, says the BPS Digest (paraphrase).

Keep Redskins white! (As fans urged after the Washington Redskins became the last NFL team to integrate, when forced to do so by the US government in 1961.)

Most of you appear to have missed it but there is a new old parish map walk! (@oldmapman)

non-binary haircuts for women

wooden headstone

Waterloo teeth from American Civil War battlefields

young vintage port

faux natural ivy leaf with seed heads (available from dรฉcor firm Escapology)

older younger people

ancient modern humans

Indonesia’s tiny Bigfoot

human BSE (bovine spongiform encephalitis)

sunk relief

River Otter beaver trial

mini Great White Shark

white Green and Black’s

link detached bungalow

old New Scotland Yard (by Norman Shaw)

Guernsey jersey

earthquakes on Mars

university town hall (meeting)

rice Mac n cheese

long short story

vintage new

lady Lord Justices

Industrial park (per Judith Martin)

rural urban legend (There must be some.)

More here.

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