Saturday, 8 June 2013

Badly Dressed Boy II

1. trousers belted under a beer belly

2. sleeveless jersey

3. tight trousers on older men

4. short-sleeved clerical shirt

5. There is an upper age limit for shorts.

6. long hair with a suit

7. grey loafers

8. shortie overcoat

9. white nylon turtlenecks worn with sidewhiskers (late 60s)

10. frilly evening shirt with velvet bow tie (late 60s)

11. bottomless glasses

More fashion faux-pas here.


  1. If the blanket ban on shorts hasn't worked, then another horrible sight is walkers hikers ramblers wearing a waterproof the same length as their shorts, so it looks as though only their top half is dressed...

  2. Aaargh, what a horrible vision!
